
Staying Motivated During the Job Search

Nobody told me that finding a job would be easy, and I never expected them to. Entering the job force after the peak of a pandemic and economic downfall is not something I imagined myself having to navigate. Let alone virtual interviews and lots of 'em. It feels like the weeks are just counting by interview after interview and application after application. I realize that everyone's job search looks a bit different, so I thought I would update you all on how my "progress" has been and ways I've continued to stay motivated after you've made that interview. 

To be quite honest, nothing can prepare you more than just doing the interviews themselves. I've been lucky enough to have guides that have helped me anticipate what interviewers are going to ask or how I can cater my questions, but you don't know until you apply yourself and try it out. I know how intimidating it can be, especially meeting random executives and managers via Zoom. 

Keep Going...
I have already had a couple leads so far with some companies that I love who have offered me follow-up interviews, pending applications are still in the works, and yes, I have received a couple of rejections already. The point of it being, you keep going. Keep applying. Keep interviewing. You never know what door might open, and you will never know, unless you keep pursuing opportunities and maintain your connections. 

Keep Connecting...
And if it's connections that you don't have, actively participate and engage with your past co-workers, classmates, and professors. Initiate conversations with those around you who might also align with your passions and career aspirations. Don't just talk to them for a connection to a job, though. Follow-up, check in, and make sure that they know you're here to make an authentic connection with them and not just a transactional exchange. We can finesse all we want, but employers, recruiters, and professionals in your industry are going to recognize your effort to connect and want to learn more about you. 

Whatever You Do, Don't Give Up
Who ever needs to hear this, me included, don't let turn downs and rejection letters diminish your qualifications and self-worth. Imposter syndrome can be so real when we are scrolling through LinkedIn seeing everyone's exciting announcements and job wins, so much, we digress and doubt everything we've ever worked for. The truth? There are a lot of other factors that play into the job hiring process, so don't take it personally. 

I know I haven't been in this industry for long, but long enough to know that everything might seem like it's fine and dandy and out of the blue you get turned down. There were some companies already that I knew I might have dodged a bullet with, so I would just trust the process and continue to pursue more opportunities. The right company or job will find you, but that means also putting in the work, moving past rejection, and applying yourself 110% no matter what. 
Writing this post has already helped me realize that this process of finding a job is not going to be an easy one, but I have what it takes to be prepared. I know the qualifications I have and the work that I've done—so, don't ever let a recruiter or employee tell you otherwise. At the end of the day, doing these interviews and applying yourself is going to pay off and you will know yourself more than you ever did going into it. Don't lose hope. I'm right there with yuh! 

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