The hot months can be intimidating for a lot of people when it comes to wearing less clothes and exposing yourself a bit more during this season. We're always trying to achieve a "beach ready body," when in reality, we're all ready for the beach anyway. It's too hot lol. No matter what you think, body positivity during the summer decreases because we're obviously wearing less clothes than normal.
I don't think I've specifically stressed about finding body positivity or honed in on it in a post before. Lately I've felt pretty good with my body; I do regular exercise and try to eat healthy (I just baked puppy chow, cookies, and brownies—it's so hard).
My yoga instructor said something that resonated with me: "We're more than just numbers on a scale, the price tag on our clothes, a salary, likes on Instagram...we have substance and we are so much more than that". I know it may seem cheesey, but it's true.
I have my fair share of insecurities like most people: my pudgy stomach, acne, broad back, my big nose, and round face all bother me sometimes. On occasions, I just feel like shit and I'm sure a lot of people can relate. Now more than ever I've been focusing on the good and pushing away the negative thoughts when I get to that low place.
Taking photos like these for example, makes me hesitate sometimes because of the way my body looks or how I'm posing. All of these pictures are unedited and raw, because I don't believe in photoshop, but also because I want people to see me.
We can get distracted when we try to see ourselves as other people see us. Throughout middle school and high school, I would say I worried a fair amount about what I looked like. Heck, I used to wear curlers in my hair every night. As I've grown into college, I haven't been as high strung about looks and will normally just roll out of bed, no makeup, and a high bun.
I do wear makeup on occasion and have a pretty good collection still, but I don't see myself collecting more than I need or any fancy highlighters or palettes anymore. It feels good to be comfortable with my bare face and I think a lot of people should be too.
I know it's not easy for everyone to feel comfortable in their own skin because it's different for everybody. It was definitely not easy at times for me and I will still have my low moments. The person I want to be is someone who can live their life not having a care in the world about what other people think. If only it was that easy. I think it's achievable and I have to keep telling myself that no one can define who I am, only me, myself, and I.
I want to encourage body positivity everywhere, especially to my fellow readers and bloggers. It can be hard to not filter ourselves online and get distracted by how many likes or views we have. I also know that this all may sound clichéd, but I genuinely believe that a lot of people may need to hear this and their's no harm in boosting someone's mindset. We need self love and positivity more than ever nowadays.
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