Hello everyone! I have a very special post for you all today. One of the main reasons that I wanted to start a blog was to connect with people. I want to learn more about other people's interests, hobbies, and cultures. I have always loved exploring new places and that comes with meeting new people (which I also love to do). I met this lovely blogger a few weeks ago and she has just started out her blog! She wanted to collab, and how could I say no?! I am going to give the mic to Nicole now and she's going to tell you a little bit about one of her favorite things—art.
Hey guys!
I’m Nicole (a.k.a florrall.blogspot.co.uk) and I’ll be a guest writer for Natalie’s blog!
For this post, I would like to talk about my passion: art. Art has always been an interest of mine ever since I can remember. As a child, I loved stationery and I collected pens, pencils, and leather notebooks that I used do my sketches and experiment with different patterns and portrait drawings.
I consider myself an introvert. Oftentimes, I struggle expressing myself through words, so I withdraw into my shell; my inner world where it is colorful and extravagant and the only place where I feel comfortable. When I got my first sketchbook, I began unraveling myself and my inner sphere. Through the drawings and paintings I did, I opened the doors to my mind for the first time.
I love being creative. It is the key feature to my personality. Without the creativity, which I derived from my weirdly wonderful mind, I wouldn’t be the person I am today. That’s why I love art, it is my only way of expressing myself freely; I can create art as bizarrely or enigmatic as I want through many different forms and mediums.
Sorry if this is a little personal, I just enjoy talking about what I love! And if you’re reading this post and reached to this point, then I would like to give you a virtual hug and thank you for taking the time to read this post about my passion, it makes me so happy that someone out there is interested!
Again, thank you so much and and please make sure to check out my blog where it contains most of my work!
Nicole ᵔᴥᵔ
I hope all of you liked this post as it is something quite different than what I normally do. I really love learning about other people and their passions. I feel like the only way we are able to grow is by being tolerant and considerate of all the different ideas and passions that exist in this world. Even if it's just someone's passion for art; you will most likely learn something new! I would really like to do more posts like these in the future, so if you would like to contact me and collab, I would be so happy to! Thanks for reading as always, and many claps for Nicole because I genuinely believe that she will do great things with her blog. Make sure to checkout her blog, as well (linked above).
Xoxo, Nat
Happy Wednesday everybody! I hope everyone had a great weekend, whether you had prom, college visits (like me), or just had a really nice time with family and friends. I'm back to my normal schedule and the weather is so nice here too!
I have a few things that I think are very necessary for anyone's desktop space! I personally obsess over stationary and all that. You guys know how much I love notebooks, planners, and journals, too.
Real Simple magazine has been one of my favorite, interior design mags of all time. They have so many great things and a lot of inspiration. Some inspiring magazines are great to have on hand for those "writer's block" days.
I am a firm believer in weekly planners and I love to just write all of my goals down for the week ahead. You could have deadlines, events, or just things you need to get done on that day and it feels so satisfying to just rip the sheet off at the end of the week. I bought this from Target (no surprise) and I couldn't find it online, but I'm sure there are ones just like this out there somewhere. I also bought this lined notebook there and I just think it's the cutest thing ever. Who wouldn't want this on their desk?
I also think a nice bouquet of flowers and a candle can liven up any desk. If your office allows it, they'll add a really nice touch and make your work area smell really good.
I talked about these two things about a week or two ago. I wasn't too impressed with this lip gloss as I earlier stated. However, I did like how this Makeup Forever lip gloss was not only mini, it just gives a pretty sheen to your lips. When you're working all day and your makeup starts to sort of fall apart during the busy work day, you might need something to just freshen up a bit. This lip gloss has that perfect use! If you have a matte lipstick on that starts to crack and dry out your lips, this would be great for re-touching! It's small and compact so it won't be in the way of any important papers or spill all over.
I have been devouring these mints lately. They taste like mint tea and give you nice smelling breath after! These are vital to anyone who needs to freshen up and make sure their breath doesn't kill anyone while you're talking in a conference or something. That would be terrible! You can find my more in-depth review here.
I really love to organize and make my desk space full of pretty stationary. Instead of boring notebooks and such, decorate with some fun prints and lots of color! It will make your work experience a hundred times better. If you would like to see more stationary, you can see it all here. I wish you all a great week and I will see you very soon!
Xoxo, Nat
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Hello lovelies! I have a mini post for you all on this beautiful Monday. I did a little shop at my local Bath and Body and had to restock on some of my favorites. These are pretty much the classic body creams that Bath and Body Works have sold over the past years and I had to share my favorites with you guys!
For starters, I'm not an avid lotion applier-person. Haha, scented lotion can sometimes dry my skin out even more and make me itch. Especially Bath and Body Works's lotions. These are body creams, however, and do not do that to my body. I normally apply these after I take a shower and just lather it on!
Pearberry- If you are into really fruity scents, I highly recommend this one. It isn't insanely sweet and sickening. It leaves a very pretty scent on and smells like you've just walked through a patch of raspberries and picked some pears in the warm sun! (Very descriptive, Natalie).
Sweet Pea- This is a classic. Everyone has either used this scent or seen it as they browse all of the scents in Bath and Body. It's your fresh, floral scent and is always a go-to when you don't know which to get.
Amber Blush- I really love using this in the summer and the fall. It smells so warm... haha that doesn't make sense, but you know what I mean! Like you've been sitting at a bonfire for a couple hours roasting marshmallows. Even though amber isn't exactly sugar, it smells very sweet and sultry. Kinda sexy, too!
These creams retail at $13 each and it actually takes a very long time to use one up. They have mini versions of these too for travel and if you just want a smaller size. I think Bath and Body Works have one of the largest selections of scents available all year round, so there's a scent for everybody! These are my top 3 and I highly suggest you all go try these out!
Xoxo, Nat
Hello lovely people! I hope you all have had an awesome start to your week! I have had a lot of testing lately and the weather we have had has been gorgeous (so I guess it makes up for it). Sorry for the messed up schedule. I usually post on Tuesdays and Thursdays, but I have been so busy and stressed with exams that I didn't even want to look at new posts for this week. Even though it's Wednesday, I still wanted to post something so this might be the only post for this week sadly.
Today I have an awesome palette to share with you guys and you are all in for a treat! Who doesn't love inexpensive (and great quality) makeup?
One of my favorite beauty gurus, Tati (GlamLifeGuru), did a review on this palette and I was so intrigued with how awesome the pigmentation and formula was. Considering the price, this is an amazing quality palette! The 10-Pan Studio Eye shadow Palette in Coming in Latte is so great. The palette comes with about six shimmery shades and four matte shades. The middle two colors are my favorite! You can create a really nice, gold smokey-eye. The shadows are not chalky or powdery at all. The palette also comes with a handy double-sided brush (which I might use during travel because I have so many other brushes).
I only wanted to swatch the first couple colors just so you guys could see the formula and color payoff. It's really nice. They aren't as creamy as I would like, but are great for an inexpensive palette.
My friend Alyssa, who you've all met in my Chinatown post, is going to prom this weekend and she wanted me to do her makeup. Of course I couldn't say no! I really wanted to see these colors in action and test these out to see what looks I could create. Yesterday she came over and I tried on many smokey-eyes. I wanted to do a pretty gold lid with a brown crease. I used some black eyeliner and just smudged it out on her lid as well. This palette performed amazingly for just that! She said that it lasted the whole entire afternoon before she washed it off.
If any of you are looking for a really cheap, great quality, eye shadow palette, I totally recommend this one. The colors are very neutral and easy to blend and build. I think this could also be a great beginners palette or even a nice gift for a makeup-lover like me! I hope you all have a wonderful week and enjoy this great, spring weather. My blog will go back to normal next week, so thank you for your cooperation.
Xoxo, Nat
Hi everyone! This might be something a bit different and I've never really talked about food on my blog before. But, hey. First time for everything, right? I am actually a self-proclaimed foodie at heart and my love for food has never really changed. I have some of my favorite food items for you all today and I am excited to share what I have been shamelessly indulging and obsessing over lately.
If you take away my peanut butter, you take away my soul. I have lived on peanut butter ever since I was a little girl. I would literally take a huge soup spoon and just eat it out of the jar. Peanut butter is a sacred food in my family because we eat it all the time. I am thankful that I don't have peanut allergies! Sorry for any of you who do. You are missing out! The Jif To Go cups are awesome to take to school or on trips. A little shot of peanut butter never hurt nobody!
The next thing I have been enjoying is honey in my tea. Not just the liquid kind. I don't know how I discovered these Melville Candy honey spoons, but they are the best things in the entire honey universe. They taste more like candy than actual honey, though. I think there's just more sugar in them, but that makes them a hundred times better when you dip them in your green tea! They also come in a bunch of other flavors as well!
I have never been an applesauce fan really. I don't know if it's just the texture of it that I don't really like...I just never liked eating a huge spoonful of it. Now, the applesauce game has changed so much! They're creating these awesome pouches of it that make eating it so much more fun and you don't have to eat it spoonful by spoonful. These Trader nice to take with you to school or to work for a little snack.
My mom picked these weird looking mints up at Trader Joe's the other day. She said that they tasted like minty green tea...and they do! However, my dad said that they tasted like dirt. So, I guess if you like green tea flavored things, you'll be okay with it, ha!
Right now I have been trying to make myself drink tea instead of coffee and I have to say, it's going pretty well. Instead of getting my caffeine through calories and sugar which is most coffee, I drink a cup of tea! I love Trader Joe's organic green tea and I also love to dip my honey spoons into it. I try to have a cup of tea before I go to bed to relax my muscles and everything. Tea is great for you and it isn't as bad as a cup of coffee with a ton of sugar that you don't need.
I might be doing more posts like this in the future if you all like them! This isn't a food blog by any means, but food is important and I love changing things up for you guys.
Xoxo, Nat
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Happy Tuesday everyone! How's your week so far? I have a huge test coming up (the ACT ugh) and that means stress stress stress! You all know how much I have been loving yoga and I have been doing it for almost two years now and I am loving it. It's been keeping me from stressing too much about school. I am a passionate yogi who wants to share her tips, thoughts, and experience with all of you! I will also go through some other tips on staying active and being mindful of your body.
I haven't been the one to worry about their health all that much and as I am growing older, I am seeing the effects of not treating your body as you should (not hydrating enough, eating too much crap, watching too much Netflix...you know). My sister recently gave me her Fitbit Flex to wear since she doesn't really use it that often anyway. This isn't just a pedometer. While I can keep track of my ten thousand steps each day (which is recommended), the Fitbit does a ton of other stuff. Fitbit has tons of other options like ones with heart monitors and clocks, too. I also have different colored bands that you can get to match any outfit! This one specifically counts your steps, distance, calories burned, exercise, water intake, and your sleep! This band has helped me with a lot lately and I feel like it has made a change in my overall diet. I am always striving to be active and walking all the time now. I also love to track how much water I drink each day. That was my New Year's resolution anyway.
I have noticed that after these few months wearing the Fitbit, I am more focused and energized. Sure it's not like an AMAZING necessity; I think it's just a great way for people who don't feel that motivated to take action about their everyday routine or diet in order to better themselves. I love wearing this to yoga to count my active minutes and exercise, too!
I have been getting into the habit of writing down my thoughts and intentions that I take with me to my yoga practice. My instructor always sets some sort of positive intention for us to remember during our practice. I love how yoga becomes not only a physical activity, but a mental one too. Staying grounded on your mat, and sticking to that thought. Whether it's to just be present, or something as personal as working hard for yourself and only yourself.
My instructor also says a beautiful quote at the beginning and end of every practice and I love to write these down. Even if I just jot it down on my phone right after, I can always come back to it and remind myself why I love doing yoga. I think that it's important to stop and think of the moment. What you want to accomplish then and there. You don't worry about yesterday or tomorrow.
I think one of my main goals this year was to just drink water and hydrate. I put so much crap into my body and I feel so bad after. It's not like I hate water, I think I just forget to drink it! I have noticed my skin clearing up a lot more and getting softer than it has every been. I love using this water bottle by Lifefactory everyday at school and also at yoga. It's great to travel and bring with pretty much anywhere! It's spill proof and doesn't break because of the silicon cover (trust me, I have dropped it a few times already). It's also BPA free so no bacteria or mold will form.
I also think that it's important to have a variety of different exercises so you're body doesn't keep repeating the same movements. It creates no change or makes any other improvements in your body when all you do is like cardio for an hour and that's it. Your body craves different things, it needs different things! My yoga studio offers many different classes. My favorite is Sculpt! We work on all parts of our bodies to the extreme. We do cardio, ab and core work, and muscles in our arms and legs. I have been loving to lift if you can believe it. I feel like I get a great workout after I work my biceps, triceps, shoulders, and my back really hard during Sculpt.
My studio also has detoxifying and balance improving classes like the Hot Power Fusion (HPF) class. I love this when I need to really stretch out and release all of the gross toxins in my body. It's not as hard-core as Sculpt, but it is set at a very high temperature and humidity.
I have been loving this Yoga Girl Head Wrap by Lucy. The pattern is so cute and it really helps keep my hair out of my face during my Vinyasa flows!
Do people name their yoga mats? Is that a weird question? I think that anyone's yoga mat is sacred to them! It's like my baby I love it so much and we've been through so much together (Natalie, calm down). I got this a couple months ago after I won a yoga challenge at my studio and received a gift certificate for any merchandise they sold. Of course I would get a new mat! I have heard so many amazing things about Lululemon's 5mm Reversible Mat. It has changed my yoga practice for sure! I don't slip or anything! I really recommend investing in this mat if you are a yogi like me. Some might say that it's a lot to spend on a mat, and that's true. However, I use this almost every day and it has really improved and helped my yoga practice.
I also like to carry my mat with the Gaiam Yoga Sling. I know some people use bags and sleeves and stuff, but I don't think they're practical because they're so much to carry and hassle with. You have your water bottle, towel, mat, and like all your other belongings already. This strap is just the right thing you need!
I hope you guys enjoyed this post and it brings some new exercise and fitness inspiration whether you are a yogi or not. I think it's vital to include some form of physical and mental exercise in your life! How do you guys get moving and active? Any other activities I should try?
Namaste, Nat
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Hey friends! So today I have a different type of post for you guys. You all know how much I love Ellie Goulding right? You don't? Well, here's a specific post on all the great reasons she is one of my role models and favorite person of all time. So, Seventeen Magazine is one of my preferred magazines to read. It's interesting, youthful, fun, stylish, and full of inspiration and honest advice. This month's cover was Ellie Goulding and I was so excited when it arrived in the mail. The things she said in her interview actually inspired me so much to write this post!
Seventeen called her, "honest, unpretentious, and totally relatable" and I couldn't agree more. The article states that as a child, Ellie has dealt with social anxiety at school, boy troubles, divorce, insecurity, and body confidence issues. It's obvious that Ellie has worked very hard to get to where she is now. She is an amazing, talented musician, but she is also a great woman inspiring others to follow their dreams. The segment says that Ellie "wants [young girls] to know that everything is going to be okay" and to always look for the positives. I really look up to and admire her for that. If you all want to learn and read more, you can read here.
I have loved Ellie Golding's music for so long now. When she released "Lights" I was hooked on her unique and beautiful, wispy-like sound. She has deep songs that make you think and upbeat songs that just make you move. She has this specific way of connecting with you that I think no other artist has ever done. As a matter of fact, I'm listening to her new album, Delirium, right now! I have it on repeat because it is just so good.
Not only is Ellie Goulding a great musician, a strong woman, and a lover of exercise and her two cats, Wallace and Lennon, she is just a real person. Yep, you guessed it. She's real. There's no cover-up media nonsense or fakeness about her. I would love to be her best friend one day and work out with her or something. She's just so cool.
I listen to her on the radio, at school, and I love listening to her when I exercise. She is like a maniac when it comes to working out (she's also like a Nike representative so that's cool, too) and her songs really make me motivated and focused on doing the workout for myself. Whether it be running or yoga, I am automatically pumped and I push myself harder because I know Ellie Goulding would too. I always remind myself that if I want to better myself by exercising, I am only doing it for myself. I am not doing it for anyone else. I am not doing it to make myself skinny. I want to be really strong— just like Ellie.
I also really love how Ellie Goulding believes in all women. She gets what we go through and how hard it is for women to sort of make something of themselves in our society. She comes from a loving and caring mother that raised her all by herself and she's surrounded with a huge "squad" of strong women. I love that in a role model.
Here are some of my favorite songs of hers that I relate to and love listening to:
"The Writer"
(I have listened to this song every time I feel sad. It's just so pretty.)
"Anything Could Happen"
"I Do What I Love"
(I feel so bad ass when this song comes on. It's like a fight song sort of. It has a great tune and reminds me of Bollywood for some reason... maybe the percussion or something)
"Around U"
(I love jumping and dancing to this song.)
(I love this song a lot because instead of it being like a love song, it's about having great friends and support from your army of peeps and not needing a man to be fulfilled and loved.)
"Something In The Way You Move"
(I love working out to this one. It's mah "lady jam".)
"Here's To Us"
(I believe that this is a new song of Ellie's that was just released for the Girls album. It gave me all the feels! It's quite a beautiful anthem about love. My favorite lyric is "You’ve fallen on your feet giving everything up / There’s something in the way love is never enough,".)
I have always enjoyed Ellie's electric tune and poppy feel. Her past albums like Lights and Halcyon Days were a bit darker I feel and her new album Delirium is like an awakening of bright sounds and anthems. She has a great variation in her music and I think that a lot of people like her because of how different she is. When I first heard "Lights" on the radio, I had no idea who she was! She didn't sound like anyone else I have ever heard. Maybe her British accent intensifies her voice, but I have never heard another singer sing like she does, and it's beautiful.
I am so insanely excited to see her perform when she comes to Chicago for her Delirium Tour and I know it will be one of the most amazing performances that I have ever seen. Ellie Goulding doesn't really make her way "across the pond" that often. So, this will probably be the only time I will ever see her. Besides her coming to Lollapalooza this summer.
Ellie Goulding has made a huge impact on my life and she taught me that no matter how hard you want something, no matter how hard you work for it, you will get there. She inspires me to be stronger, physically and emotionally. She also inspires me to just be a better version of myself, to just let loose and dance. I'm sure she has inspired many others; she will always hold a special place in my heart.
Xoxo, Nat

Hey everyone! I have had a great spring break and school starts very soon. Ugh. That doesn't mean the party stops on my blog! Today, I have an awesome set that I found on a different blog post someone recently did. This new Sephora Favorites "Paint it Pink" box is one of the best Sephora Favorite sets they have sold in my opinion. First of all, it's only 40 bucks. You get three original sized items, including a beauty blender which is $20 on it's own. You really are getting a great deal with this box. The whole theme is pink which I think is great for spring. It could be a deal breaker for some that don't like to wear pink makeup, but I think it has a variety of products that will suit just about anyone!
Here is everything in the box that I found online either full-size or travel-size if you want to purchase one or two of these separately with the prices (I still recommend this box as a whole because of how awesome the value is. Plus, you can try out these items without paying for the full-size):
*Items marked with an asterisk are not full-size in the set
So the box says that all of the products are a $122 value noting that many are travel or mini size. Obviously, they wouldn't include all full-size items, but some of the items listed are exclusively mini to the set and aren't sold separately.
The Beauty Blender in this set was maybe one of the reasons I purchased it. I still think that $20 for a sponge is a bit much, but you get seven other great products so the total value of this set was incredible. I have always wanted to try the Beauty Blender anyway and I think that it was worth spending the extra twenty for all those other prestige cosmetics.
This Becca Shimmer Skin Perfector is quite an amazing product. It's a beautiful color and in ROSE GOLD. It's really pigmented and pretty, but I found that this shade was a bit too orange to put on my cheeks. I found that it was also a little too chalky. It would dust off my cheeks and wouldn't blend into my skin like I wanted it to. I used this as an eye shadow instead and it looked way better on my lids than it did on my cheeks! Since it is a mini size, it kind of looks like a full-size eye shadow. I guess this product is better off as a pigment or a shadow than a blush or highlighter.
I was really excited to try out the Benefit Roller Lash mascara. I went to one of Benefit's beauty bars to try it out and it looked like I had false lashes! I already had too many mascaras at the time so I passed on it that day. Now I can try out this awesome mascara and review it for you all! I love how it curls my lashes and makes them big and voluminous.
Another product I was so excited to use was this Deborah Lippmann nail polish. You guys know that I have been loving the "nude nails" look and I love this color on my nails. I was so excited to use it and I put it on as soon as the package arrived. You can see that it is pretty sheer, but I only put about one or two coats. It lasted for over a week and I think that if you wanted, you could use more than two coats or use it for a french manicure.
I was really impressed with Sephora because I was so happy and shocked that they would put a full-size Laura Mercier product in here. This is a really pretty pink shade and I love how it looks for spring! I don't wear pink lipstick that often, but this shade was perfect for my skin tone and is more pink-taupe than a bright, hot pink.
I was not that impressed with this lip gloss though. I guess it looks cute. That's about it. It's just a mini, sheer lip gloss and that's all I can say about it. Good for travel and just making your lips look glossier I guess! It looks like it gives off color on the swatch, but on the lips it just doesn't.
I have never really tried Tarte before and I have heard so much about all "Amazonian clay" what-not. I have to say, this is a really great blush. I have been looking for a nice, warm, peachy shade and this is just what I wanted! It's super blendable and isn't so strongly pigmented that you end up looking like a doll or something. It looks great for springtime!
This was another one of the full-size items in the set and it's one of the best ROSE GOLD (gotta keep emphasizing how much I LOVE rose gold) eye shadows I have ever used. Lasting power to the extreme! It stays on all day and gives off great color without being chalky and icky. Nicely done Urban Decay. I will have to purchase more singles (and palettes of course) from them next time. Plus, I love the packaging!
Pardon my under-eye circles, here I used the Urban Decay eye shadow on my lid and the Becca Shimmering Perfector in the crease (if you can tell). I really like how fresh and pretty this look is for spring!
I think that this set can please just about anyone. It has great, quality products. Three full-size items and five mini/travel-size items, too. It's worth $122 and you can get it for just 40 stinkin' bucks! Some people may not like the color theme and I think that Sephora should do other colors like red or berry as well! I really enjoyed all of the products in this set, even though there were some I could live without.
What I really loved/"Out of the ballpark" products I enjoyed:
I really loved how Sephora included the Beauty Blender into the set. I think it's a great deal once you think about it. I have always wanted to try out the sponge and I always thought that it was an insane amount to pay for just that. However, I have been using it every single day I wear foundation and I love it. I would totally buy this set to get more for your money.
I also liked how they included a full-size lipstick in the set. Laura Mercier is a pretty expensive brand and this lipstick is worth about 30 bucks. That's a lot for a lipstick in my opinion. I think that it made the set even more worth it.
What I didn't really care for/The "strike" products I didn't enjoy:
I didn't really think that the mini lip gloss was really necessary in the kit. Maybe it was just like a "bag filler". I could totally live without it and wouldn't really care if they didn't include it in the set. I could still use it for travel and things like that though.
I guess I also could have lived without the nail polish. It wasn't an amazing color, but it was a great formula for a polish. I have wanted to try Deborah Lippmann's polishes. How come they didn't include like a nice pink shade or something?
I hope you all enjoyed this very lengthy review. I was really excited to get this box and do a review on it for all of you. I really loved this set and I recommend it to all of you makeup lovers out there! I have had an awesome spring break and I think I am ready to get back into the swing of things. What did you guys do over spring break?
Xoxo, Nat
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